Code Lyoko Wiki
Code Lyoko Wiki

The Mountain Replika is the copy of the Mountain Sector. It is only seen in the game Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. This Replika is very relaxing and the boss for this Replika is really easy to beat. You only see the Mountain Replika twice in the game.

The Mountain Replika's appearance is identical to the Mountain Sector's, but the layout is moderately different.

Characters needed to watch the Skidbladnir[]

Characters needed to destroy the Supercomputer[]


  • While a Mountain Replika never appeared in the show, there were plans for one. According to Sophie Decroisette, it was ultimately cut due to budget constraints.[1][2] Concept art of the location of the Mountain Replika's supercomputer also exists and features a large dam.



  1. "Interview with Sophie Decroisette" - (2016)
  2. "Interview - Sophie Decroisette, partie 2". Ces Dessins Animés-Là qui méritent qu'on s'en souvienne. March 11, 2014.
ve Games
Console Games Get Ready to Virtualize (DS) • Quest for Infinity (Wii/PS2/PSP) • Fall of X.A.N.A. (DS)
Computer Games IFSCL (PC/Mac/Linux) • Lyoko Conquerors
Online Games Code Lyoko MMORPGCode Lyoko: Social GameMonster SwarmFrelion AttackFrance 3 GameCourse Code LyokoPerdus dans LyokôManta BomberTreinamento Anti-ZENACode Lyoko's GalaxySector 2 EscapeAelita's BattleMort des FrelionsOdd's BattleCode Lyoko Race 2
Creators and Tools The Game FactoryFrance TélévisionsKabillionCanal JCartoon NetworkJetixMacromedia ShockwaveAdobe FlashC and C++ Programming Languages
Game Related Get Ready to Virtualize: Cheat CodesEnhanced Reflexes

Quest for Infinity/Fall of X.A.N.A.:
Locations: Volcano ReplikaMountain Replika
Monsters: VolcanoidOmegatankInsektDesert DrillerMountain BugCyberhopperMagma WormInsekt LordIce SpiderKankrelat Kamikazes
Powers: Time ControlEnhanced Reflexes
Staff: Raphaël Gesqua
Other: Code: ChimeraVignette
Code Lyoko: Social Game: Accessory EquipmentsBelt EquipmentsBoot EquipmentsItemsMissionsPowersSuit EquipmentsWeapon EquipmentsLyoko PointVehicles
Other Online Games: Running Code Lyoko Games
