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Megatanks are large, ball-like monsters, possibly one of the only few monsters in X.A.N.A.'s army not based on a living creature. Megatanks are arguably the strongest of X.A.N.A.'s monsters because of its shell, which can't take damage, even from another Megatank. However, the force of the impact will sometimes push the other Megatank into the Digital Sea. In the first season, a Megatank's laser does 50 life points of damage, allowing some room for the Lyoko Warriors to protect Aelita with their bodies. This changes since Code: Earth, since X.A.N.A.'s monsters get stronger and a whole 100 life points of damage is dealt, this makes the body protection technique far less viable (as the Lyoko Warrior that uses it is devirtualized immediately after doing it) but it is still used. To defeat them, the Lyoko Warriors must hit the large Eye of X.A.N.A. (which is located inside its shell on the metal framework that connects the two sides of its shell) before the shell closes.

Megatanks also have the ability to destroy objects that Aelita creates with her power. However, if Aelita's Creativity is mixed with her Energy Fields, it may take around 5 or 6 shots. A Megatank's laser will usually not come back until it hits something or someone. Megatanks can also run over the warriors, which results in instant devirtualization.


Megatanks have two methods of attack, the first involves opening its shell and using its laser attack, which can be used from a safe range and can devirtualize the warriors in one hit. The second involves using its considerable mass to crush the Lyoko Warriors, devirtualizing them by running them over. However, in the first season, the Megatank's laser only did 50 points of damage, making it survivable, as shown in episodes such as Log Book and Big Bug. The Megatank can also withstand an attack of another Megatank, as seen in Contact. They can also push other Megatanks with their laser. While its laser is the most powerful laser out of all X.A.N.A.'s monsters, it can be blocked by Aelita's energy field, which can also destroy the laser, and Ulrich's sword, which shatters after a short period of time. A Megatank's laser can be used to shut down active Towers from the outside, by bombarding the targeted Tower enough times that it will deactivate.

In Season 3, the Megatanks sometimes fire their laser horizontally, making a nearly unavoidable attack. Megatanks are the most challenging to destroy because of its shell; the shell can block all of the Lyoko Warriors' weapons. It is even able to withstand Aelita's Energy Fields.

In Code Lyoko: Get Ready to Virtualize, one shows up as a boss, and it must be defeated in order for the level in question to be completed.

In Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity, there were two Megatank variants introduced: Omegatanks (Megatanks that do not fire a laser weapon, but are covered with spikes) and Ubertanks (Megatanks that always fire lasers horizontally).


  • In False Lead, Aelita threw two energy fields into Megatank's laser and shattered it as if it were glass.
  • The Megatanks seem to have been based on bowling balls. Jokes referring to bowling have been made by the heroes at the Megatanks' expense.
  • Megatanks are Ulrich's least favorite monster to fight against.
  • Prior to Evolution, Megatanks were only shown in the main four sectors (Forest, Ice, Desert, and Mountain). It was not until the pilot of season 5, X.A.N.A. 2.0, that they were finally shown in Sector Five, becoming one of only a few monsters shown in this area. This same distinction applies to the Krabs.
  • Megatanks are the first monster to return in Season 5, with three appearing in X.A.N.A. 2.0.
  • Megatanks appeared in the first episodes of both series production-wise. 
  • Megatanks are unable to rapid fire, possibly due to the strength of their laser weapon.
  • Megatanks have the most Eyes of X.A.N.A. than any other monster.
  • Megatanks are one of the only non-flying monster to not have legs (the other being Creepers).
  • In Code Lyoko Evolution, their laser doesn't return back to them.


Seasons 1-4


