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Code Lyoko Wiki

Insekts are one of X.A.N.A.'s monsters who have only made appearances in the games Code Lyoko DS: Fall of X.A.N.A. and Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. Insekts look like hornets except for being bigger, stronger and having black shells. In the DS game, they appear to reside mainly in the Forest Sector. Their main weapons are exploding mines similar to those of a Manta except that they don't require contact to explode and they do not home on targets. They also have lasers. In certain cases, Yumi's Telekinesis can disable their wings, in which case they will attempt to bite the warriors instead.


  • They have three wings.


ve Games
Console Games Get Ready to Virtualize (DS) • Quest for Infinity (Wii/PS2/PSP) • Fall of X.A.N.A. (DS)
Computer Games IFSCL (PC/Mac/Linux) • Lyoko Conquerors
Online Games Code Lyoko MMORPGCode Lyoko: Social GameMonster SwarmFrelion AttackFrance 3 GameCourse Code LyokoPerdus dans LyokôManta BomberTreinamento Anti-ZENACode Lyoko's GalaxySector 2 EscapeAelita's BattleMort des FrelionsOdd's BattleCode Lyoko Race 2
Creators and Tools The Game FactoryFrance TélévisionsKabillionCanal JCartoon NetworkJetixMacromedia ShockwaveAdobe FlashC and C++ Programming Languages
Game Related Get Ready to Virtualize: Cheat CodesEnhanced Reflexes

Quest for Infinity/Fall of X.A.N.A.:
Locations: Volcano ReplikaMountain Replika
Monsters: VolcanoidOmegatankInsektDesert DrillerMountain BugCyberhopperMagma WormInsekt LordIce SpiderKankrelat Kamikazes
Powers: Time ControlEnhanced Reflexes
Staff: Raphaël Gesqua
Other: Code: ChimeraVignette
Code Lyoko: Social Game: Accessory EquipmentsBelt EquipmentsBoot EquipmentsItemsMissionsPowersSuit EquipmentsWeapon EquipmentsLyoko PointVehicles
Other Online Games: Running Code Lyoko Games
