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Code Lyoko Wiki

These are statistics for the events of Code Lyoko Evolution. The statistics shown on this page include areas of information such as total monster kills, total virtualizations/devirtualizations, intentional endangerments per character by X.A.N.A., and many more.

Total virtualizations[]

Season 5
Ulrich 24
Odd 26
Yumi 27
Aelita 26
William 21

Total devirtualizations[]

Season 5
Ulrich 9
Odd 8
Yumi 10
Aelita 10 (2 by Yumi, inclusive)
William 10

Total Materializations[]

Season 5
Ulrich 15
Odd 17
Yumi 14
Aelita 15
William 10
  • Note: Whenever a Time Reversion is used, the characters are sent to their past states and thus are not re-materialized like how it is normally done by Jeremie or others. 

Total monsters destroyed[]

Kankrelats Bloks Krabes Megatanks Tarantulas Ninjas Mantas Kongres
Ulrich 8 0 10 0 2 2 2 0
Odd 2 3 (1^) 14 4 8 5 0 0
Yumi 7 4 10 1 0 4 2 1
Aelita 0 8 3 1 0 3 0 2
William 14 9 2 0 0 3 2 3
  • ^ Odd's destruction of the Blok wall in Count-down counts as one Blok Wall destroyed rather than a single Blok kill. If one were to count all the Bloks destroyed in the Wall, the number would be 121 Bloks.
  • 1 Blok on Krabe destruction in How to Deceive XANA (not included in list thus far, if more monsters teamkill, then a column shall be added).
  • In The Codeless, William destroys the X.A.N.A.-William clone.
  • In An Assured Professional Future another Kongre is destroyed, but it is unclear whether Yumi or William took the kill.
  • In False Pretenses, William destroyed the Ulrich and an Odd Spectre, and Odd destroyed a William and an Odd Spectre.
  • In Mutiny, Yumi destroys the Scyphozoa, but how the other 6 Krabes got destroyed is unclear. Perhaps they had their life tied to the Scyphozoa, but it is unknown at this time.
  • Also in Mutiny, Jeremie gets 8 Kankrelat kills from his shock program.

Total Devirtualizations by Monster on Lyoko Warriors[]

Ulrich Odd Yumi Aelita William
Kankrelats 0 0 0 0 1
Bloks 1 (1*) 0 (1*) 2 (1*) 2 (1*)
Krabes 1 1 3 1 1
Megatanks 0 1 0 0 0
Tarantulas 0 0 1 0 0
Mantas 1 1 0 1 1
Ninjas 2 4 3 3 3
Cortex^ 2 1 1 0 1
  • ^Cortex is not a monster, but it is included for total tally.
  •  *Refers to being devirtualized by the Blok wall in Count-down; Ulrich and Aelita accidently dv'd themselves by reflecting a blast that brought down a section of a wall which landed upon them. And Yumi was merely dv'd by the backlash.
  • In False Pretenses, Yumi was dv'd by the Ulrich spectre, and Ulrich was dv'd by an Odd spectre.

Total Sector and Replika Battles[]

Season 5
Desert 10
Mountain 5
Sector 5 3
Digital Sea 5
Cortex 14

Attacks by X.A.N.A.[]

Season 5
Jeremie 1
Aelita 7
Ulrich 12
Odd 11
Yumi 9
William 6
Jim 1

Total Abilities Used[]

# of Times Used
Wings 26
Creativity 6
Triplicate 1
Super Sprint 3
Telekinesis 0
Super Smoke 38

Total Vehicles Virtualized[]

# of Times Spawned
Overwing 10
Overboard 15
Overbike 11
Megapod 14

Total towers deactivated[]

Aelita 3
Odd 6 (+1 Failed?)
Yumi 5
Ulrich 1

Total time reversions[]

Season 5
Time reversions 7

Source Codes Remaining and X.A.N.A.'s Restoration % by Episode[]

Spectromania Rivalry Countdown The Codeless The Trap Jeremy's Blues Massacre
Aelita 92 88 Unknown 39 Unknown 12 12
Odd 77 68 Unknown 0 4 4 0
Yumi  93 79 Unknown 67 Unknown 54 Unknown
Ulrich 90 75 Unknown 61 Unknown 50 0
X.A.N.A. 70 75 80 85 81 92 95

Miscellaneous Stats[]

  • First ninja killed by Yumi.
  • First person drained of all codes was Odd.
  • Hornets and Creepers do not return at all in Season 5.
  • This is the first season that Telekinesis is not used.
  • First season that someone other than Aelita has more Tower deactivations.
  • This season has the least number of time reversions.